Una de las partes esenciales para aprender un idioma es conocer su vocabulario. Para ello, es necesario aprender las palabras básicas, así que vamos a aprender los nombres de las frutas, con las que podemos comunicarnos y expresarnos en el entorno que nos rodea lo cual va a mejorar la comunicación y la capacidad para expresar distintas ideas. Entonces vamos un divertido vídeo de las frutas
One of the essential parts to learn a language is to know its vocabulary. For this, it is necessary to learn the basic words, so we will learn the names of the fruits, with which we can communicate and express ourselves in the environment that surrounds us, which will improve communication and the ability to express different ideas. Then we go a funny video of the fruits
One of the essential parts to learn a language is to know its vocabulary. For this, it is necessary to learn the basic words, so we will learn the names of the fruits, with which we can communicate and express ourselves in the environment that surrounds us, which will improve communication and the ability to express different ideas. Then we go a funny video of the fruits
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