Los colores forman parte esencial de la vida humana, y es que aparte de identificarnos con ellos o de distinguir las cosas unas de otras gracias a ellos…también influyen en nuestro estado de ánimo. Desde muy pequeños, y casi desde que tenemos visión, comenzamos a captar y a visualizar colores.
Colors are an essential part of human life, and is that apart from identifying with them or distinguishing things from each other thanks to them ... also influence our mood. From very young, and almost since we have vision, we began to capture and visualize colors.
Colors are an essential part of human life, and is that apart from identifying with them or distinguishing things from each other thanks to them ... also influence our mood. From very young, and almost since we have vision, we began to capture and visualize colors.
Ahora jugemos un juego de colores con lo aprendido
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